It is time for prototyping again! For our first PiWars we adopted iterative approach: design, mock, test, improve and repeat. That lead to lots of iterations and lots of discarded parts.
But was that necessarily a bad thing? So far it seems that at least half of the 'previous versions' have found a kind of home - for people who wanted to try putting together a rover of ours and are not worried having the latest, the most refined version of it. Also, it helped us to find out what the 'dead ends' and the 'wrong decisions' were like and we learned from them. Beside that, it made our club members not be scared of trying out stuff even if it originally seems not to be the best idea that we can come up with at that moment.
Now we are at quite a few new designs. One of the first we did was PiNoon capture nut (ahm, electric connector) and with distance sensor (VL53L0X). One of the previous blogs was about capturing stuff in 3D printer objects.